The Extreme Abortion Constitutional Amendment

The proposed South Dakota Abortion Constitutional Amendment would be one of the most extreme abortion laws in the nation. The Abortion Amendment would legalize painful, late-term abortion, all the way to the point of birth.

The Abortion Amendment is so extreme that it would also override our state’s existing common-sense, bi-partisan abortion policies. Just some of the existing common-sense laws that would be overridden by the Constitutional Amendment include:

• Parents’ rights to know when their minor daughter is pregnant and being pressured into an abortion: overridden.

• Protections for a mother from being forced to have an abortion against her will: overridden.

• Conscience protections so that doctors and nurses cannot be forced to participate in performing abortions against their will:  overridden.

• Even basic health and safety requirements for abortionists to follow, including requirements that abortions be done by a physician and an inspected and clean facility:  overridden.

The list of horrible consequences goes on. The bottom line is that this Constitutional Amendment is truly extreme and a grave threat to the life of unborn children and mothers in our state.

Volunteer and Donate to the Life Defense Fund

By donating to the Life Defense Fund, you join the effort to defend life by opposing the extreme abortion Constitutional Amendment. 

If we come together, we can stop one of the most extreme abortion laws in the nation from being written into the South Dakota Constitution.

Please donate securely online now:

Or mail your contribution to the following address:

Life Defense Fund
P.O. Box 90416
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57109

If you have a heart for the defense of unborn lives, we need you now. Please sign up to volunteer and we’ll contact you with ways that you can help in your own hometown: 

Learn More About the Abortion Amendment

Explainer Video

Watch this video clip explaining the Abortion Up-To-Birth Amendment.

Become a Life Defender

We need your help to defend life in South Dakota. All that we have fought for to defend life is on the line. Sign up here to volunteer. We’ll contact you with information and ways you can volunteer in your own hometown.

Life Defense Education Materials

Download and share our explainer and know the truth flyers. Call Life Defense Fund at (605) 951-5582 or email [email protected] to request printed flyers in bulk.

The South Dakota Abortion Amendment Explained Flyer.

The Abortion Amendment Explained Flyer shows the actual text of the Abortion Amendment with helpful notes that explain the intentionally confusing and vague amendment text, showing the true effects of the Abortion Up-To-Birth Amendment.

The Know the Truth Flyer.

The Know the Truth Flyer lists three reasons why the Abortion Amendment is too extreme.

Life Defense Fund

South Dakota’s Life Defense Leadership.

Rep. Jon Hansen

Co-Chair, Life Defense Fund

Leslee Unruh

Co-Chair, Life Defense Fund

Phone: (605) 951-5582
PO Box 90416, Sioux Falls, SD 57109